
Editing Timesheet Records

HRMSAttend offers two option for editing Timesheet Records.

  • Single Recording editing

  • Bulk Record Editing

Editing Timesheets

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Option 1: Single Edit Timesheet Record

Each record offers the action to edit and delete. Click on the pencil icon to edit the timesheet record. Once clicked the Edit Timesheet Form will open to make changes to the record. Once done click on save.

Option 2: Bulk Edit Timesheet Records

This option allows users to edit timesheets in bulk. You may want to use this option to edit a clock in or clock out time to ensure greater accuracy of Logged Hours and Overtime hours for running payroll. To bulk edit records first you will need to select the records you wish to edit. Users can do so by:

A. Clicking the Check All button to select all records.

B. Clicking the checkboxes next to the records you wish to select.

Once the records are selected the bulk edit icon will become visible on the top right corner of the data table. Click on the bulk edit icon to access the Bulk Edit Form.

Understanding the Single Edit Form

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  1. Employee: the employee the record is for.

  2. Date: the date the time punch is for.

  3. Schedule: the shift the employee is scheduled to work for the date selected.

  4. Scheduled Hours: these are the total hours specified in shift type. This lets the system know from which point the hours are considered overtime. This is also auto-populated from the Schedule record.

  5. Day Type: this indicates if it is a regular payday or holiday pay. This is auto-populated from the schedule record.

  6. Clock In: this is the time the employee clocked in for work.

  7. Clock Out: this is the time the employee clocked out from work.

  8. Total Logged Hours: the system will calculate the total hours worked based on the clock in and clock out time.

  9. Overtime: the system will calculate the overtime. If the logged hours worked are over the scheduled hours then the system will show the difference in overtime. Logged hours 9- Scheduled to Work hours 8= 1 hour overtime.

  10. Notes: Any comments users wish to share on the timesheet.

  11. Status: if this is a request timesheet from Data Manager, then authorized users can mark the status as Approve/ Unapproved.

Understanding the Bulk Edit Timesheet Form

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The bulk edit form will allow users to only edit one field without it affecting the other fields of a record. This means if you wish to change everyone in the Sales department's clock out time to 4pm, the system will capture your 4 pm change in the clock-out field and apply this to the selected records without making any change to the clock in time or the status of the record.

  1. Clock In: Select the time you want to update your selected records.

  2. Clock Out: Select the time you want to update the selected records.

  3. Status: if you wish to mark all selected records as a specific status.

  4. Notes: If you wish to add a note to all timesheet records selected.

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