
Editing Employees

HRMSAttend offers two options for editing employees. These options are:

  • Bulk Editing: this option allows admin to multi-select employees to perform a bulk edit of all selected employees.

  • Single Record Editing: On each Employee record on the data table, a pencil icon can be seen under the action’s column. This pencil icon allows the admin to edit.

Single Record Editing

single record editing

Step 1: Click on Employee Manager on the side menu

Step 2: Click on Employee

Step 3: Click on The pencil icon next to the employee record you wish to edit.

Bulk Editing

bulk editing

Step 1: Click on Employee Manager

Step 2: Click on Employee

Step 3: Click on Check all if you wish to edit all records or click the check box next to the employee records you wish to edit.

Step 4: After performing step 3 the bulk edit icon will populate on the top right corner. Click on the pencil icon to edit all selected records.

NB: Please use the search feature to search for a specific employee to edit, or use the filter feature to filter the records to your liking for editing bulk data. Example: filtering table to show only Sales department employees. This will allow bulk editing of sales department employees only.

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